Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace
A podcast journey of prayer with a focus on the climate and ecological emergency based around Rev Jon Swales' book '26 Prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency' .
Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace
MTMM Sample: Missiology for the Margins
A lecture on mission from Rev'd Jon Swales
This is a sample from the 'Mission, Theology and Ministry for the Margins Course.
More details here.
Leeds School of Theology are pleased and excited to partner with Lighthouse West Yorkshire in facilitating a dynamic learning community which will serve Christians already working alongside the marginalised or who have a heart to pioneer in this area.
Lighthouse is a fresh expression of church that serves adults with multiple and complex needs including poverty, mental health, homelessness, trauma and addiction.
Course Overview
The course, will include passionate teaching which fuses together Biblical studies, theological reflection, interviews with people with lived experience, cultural analysis, historical case studies and cutting edge research on addiction and trauma to inspire and equip the church to engage with those on the margins in a way that looks and loves like Jesus.
Topics Include
Visions and Values of Healthy Theology
Missional Theology for the Margins
Justice and the Heart of God
The Image of God
Suffering, Lament and Spiritual Warfare
Building Community & Leading Accessible worship for Vulnerable Adults
Why the Hell do Bad Things Happen?
Addiction and Recovery
Helping without Hurting
Trauma: Hope for Healing