Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace

A Liturgy for the Morning- Prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency

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Music: Free Sad Piano Type Beat- Emotional Piano Instrumental 'Broken- See 

A Liturgy for the Morning: Prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency. 

Father of Creation,

The beginning and the end.

This day has never existed before in the history of the cosmos,

And yet here we are with the fragile,

And beautiful

 gift of life.

To you be all praise, honour and glory.

From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same,

The Lord’s name is to be praised.

And so we join with creation,

With a whole host of non-human worshippers

To lift your name high.

We join with angels, archangels and the whole company of heaven,

With elephants and eagles and the whole company of earth.


Holy, Holy, Holy  is the Lord God Almighty

Who was, and is and is to come.

Father of Creation.

The beginning and the end.

This day, 

Although beautiful

Is also broken.

This world,

Although beautiful.

Is also broken.

We live in a world of climate breakdown,

Temperatures are rising.

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

We live in a world of beastly forces,

Profits are put before people,

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

And so we confess that we have sinned,

And done evil in your sight.

We now find ourselves East of Eden,

We have failed to keep our calling.

To tend and keep.

We have sown into the wind of unrestrained capitalism.

And now we reap the climate whirlwind.

We live in the panelled houses of consumerism

Whilst the temple of your creation lies in ruins.

We have made our bed from greed and individualism.

Must we now lie in it?

We are sorry.

We repent,

Lord have mercy,

Christ have mercy.

Let us hear afresh the words,

My friend,

‘Your sins are forgiven’.

Let us hear afresh the words,

‘Take up your bed and walk.’

The night has passed and the day lies open before us,

And so we pray with one heart and mind. 

That we would walk the Jesus way.

The way that leads to life,

The way that leads to love,

The way that walks the way of justice.

In our grief for a broken world,

Let us be those who rejoice in the gift of this new day.

In our grief for a broken world.

Set our hearts on fire with love for you

Father of Creation,

The beginning and the end.

This day has never existed before in the history of the cosmos,

And yet here we are with the fragile,

And beautiful

 gift of life.

To you be all praise, honour and glory.

From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same,

The Lord’s name is to be praised.

And so we join with creation,

With a whole host of non-human worshippers

To lift your name high.

We join with angels, archangels and the whole company of heaven,

With elephants and eagles and the whole company of earth.


Holy, Holy, Holy  is the Lord God Almighty

Who was, and is and is to come.


-Jon Swales, Nov 2022