Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace
A podcast journey of prayer with a focus on the climate and ecological emergency based around Rev Jon Swales' book '26 Prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency' .
See www.cruciformjustice.com
Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace
Lay Down the Sword: Prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency
'Lay Down the Sword' taken from 26 Prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency by Rev'd Jon Swales https://atyourservice.arocha.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/26-Prayers-for-the-Climate-and-Ecological-Emergency-Jon-Swales.pdf
Voice: Katie Dowds
Images: Freely Available from Prexels
Music: Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound)
11: Lay Down the Sword, Take Up the Cross
Father of Creation,
God of Peace,
We praise you for your son Jesus, The Lamb upon the Throne.
We praise you that your son Jesus said, 'Blessed are the peacemakers’ and called us to love our enemies. We thank you that your son rules and reigns through self-giving sacrificial love.
We thank you that Jesus took up the violent symbol of empire and, in his death, transformed it into a symbol of hope restored and sins forgiven.
We thank you that your son, in his dying breath, said, 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do'.
We praise you that, in his death, his bloody execution, he dragged the forces of sin, death, empire and violence into the grave, offering us an alternative kingdom.
We thank you that your son’s glorious resurrection demonstrated that death will not have the last word and love itself wins.
He reigns victorious, forever glorious. He is the lamb.
Father of Creation,
God of Peace,
We stand on the brink of climate breakdown, which will lead to an increase in conflict and war. Humanity will reap what it sows,
Those who live by the sword will die by the sword.
Lord have Mercy.
As Temperatures rise, Tensions arise.
As food shortage and malnutrition increases, Conflicts follow.
As refugees flee flooded lands, Wars will follow.
Tribal Conflicts,
Local Conflicts,
Regional Pressures, Battles for resources.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.
And so in the coming months, and through whatever follows, we commit ourselves afresh to Kingdom Peacemaking.
In our homes,
Blessed are the Peacemakers.
In our churches,
Blessed are the Peacemakers.
In our cities,
Blessed are the Peacemakers.
For our nation's leadership, Blessed are the Peacemakers.
For global leaders,
Blessed are the Peacemakers.
Father of Creation,
God of Peace,
Grant us the courage to speak out against increased militarism.
Grant us the courage to speak out against the arms trade.
Grant us the courage to speak out against increased nuclear capability.
Grant us the courage in a world of increasing violence to stand fast to the peaceable kingdom and the peaceable King.
Grant us the courage to seek the path of peace until that day when all weapons of war are turned into ploughshares, and
War will be no more.
We lay down the sword.
We take up our cross.
Blessed are the Peacemakers.
Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Those who by the spirit will walk in the spirit. Blessed are the peacemakers.
To him who sits upon the throne, And to the lamb,
Be praise, honour and glory.