Lament & Hope: Prayers & Teaching for Justice and Peace

A Walk of Healing: Finding Hope and Renewal on the Shore

August 26, 2024 Rev'd Jon Swales

A Walk of Healing: Finding Hope and Renewal on the Shore

A imaginative prayer journey  for those with climate and ecological grief 

Step 1: Setting the Scene

"Close your eyes and let yourself be transported to a quiet UK beach, where the soft murmur of the sea is the first sound to reach your ears. The ocean stretches out before you, a vast and gentle presence, its surface shifting in hues of deep blue and soft grey, reflecting the ever-changing light of the sky. The waves move with a soothing rhythm, their steady rise and fall like the breath of the earth itself, inviting you to breathe in time with them, to find your own calm in their eternal dance.

The sand beneath your feet is cool and inviting, a mixture of fine grains and smooth, weathered pebbles, each one a relic of the sea’s long history of shaping and refining. As you walk, your footsteps press lightly into the earth, leaving impressions that will soon be smoothed away by the incoming tide. This beach, with its open expanse of sand and sea, feels like a place of renewal—a sanctuary where the troubles of the world are softened by the gentle embrace of nature.

Around you, the beach is framed by low, rolling dunes, their slopes covered in soft, green grasses that sway with the breeze. The air is fresh, tinged with the scent of salt and seaweed, a clean, invigorating fragrance that seems to cleanse your spirit with each breath. Overhead, gulls glide effortlessly on the wind, their calls blending with the soothing sounds of the waves, creating a symphony of nature that fills the space around you.

The sea, in all its vastness, offers a sense of both peace and possibility. Its waters, ever-moving yet constant, remind you of the flow of life—how it carries us forward, washing away the old and making room for the new. The horizon, where the sky meets the water, stretches endlessly, a line that beckons you to imagine all that lies beyond, yet also grounds you in the beauty of this moment.

As you walk, you might notice the small treasures the sea has left behind—delicate shells scattered along the shore, sea glass smoothed by years of tumbling in the waves, and tiny crabs darting between the rocks. Each of these speaks of life’s resilience, of how even in the face of change, beauty can be found and new beginnings can emerge. The sea, with its quiet power, holds within it the promise of renewal and healing."

Step 2: Expressing the Pain

"As you stroll along this peaceful shore, open your heart and share your worries with Jesus. Speak of the sadness you feel for the world—the rising sea levels that threaten the coastlines, the pollution that darkens these once-clear waters, and the loss of the marine life that once thrived in abundance. Allow yourself to express the grief that comes with witnessing the changes in our oceans—the coral reefs that are now bleached and barren, the fish populations that are dwindling, and the creatures whose homes are disappearing.

In this moment, standing at the edge of the sea, know that your concerns are deeply understood. The ocean before you, with its vastness and depth, seems to hold space for your sorrow, gently echoing your feelings back to you. As you speak of the melting ice caps, which send their waters into the sea, raising the tides and threatening the lands, you sense a shared grief in the natural world around you. The acidification of the ocean, which quietly disrupts the balance of life beneath the waves, weighs heavily on your heart, as does the loss of the delicate ecosystems that have long depended on the sea’s bounty.

Yet, even as you voice these concerns, there is a sense of release in sharing them here, in this sacred space where the earth meets the water. The sea, with its constant ebb and flow, reminds you that there is always hope, even in the midst of great change."

Step 3: Jesus’s Response

"Now, imagine Jesus walking beside you on this quiet beach. His presence is calming, full of compassion and understanding. He listens to your words with deep empathy, holding your pain as tenderly as a parent holds a child. Jesus acknowledges the weight of your concerns, and as He walks with you, He shares in your sorrow for the world and its suffering.

He might speak to you of the natural rhythms of the earth, of how the tides that rise and fall before you are part of a greater cycle of renewal. ‘Take heart,’ He says gently, ‘for even as the earth groans, there is the promise of new life.’ He reminds you that just as the sea renews the shore with each wave, so too can the world find healing and restoration.

Jesus understands the grief you feel for the ocean—its polluted waters, its dying coral reefs, the loss of fish and other marine life. Yet, in His presence, there is also the assurance that love and care can make a difference. He encourages you to continue your work in protecting and nurturing creation, knowing that every small act of kindness and stewardship contributes to the larger healing of the world.

His words are like a balm, soothing your spirit: ‘I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ He reassures you that you are not alone in your concern for the earth, and that together, with His guidance, renewal is possible."

Step 4: Embracing Scripture and Hope

"As you walk along the beach with Jesus, His words bring you a deep sense of peace: ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.’ These words, carried on the breeze, settle in your heart, bringing clarity and comfort. He reminds you of the promises found in scripture, that even in the midst of turmoil, there is hope for renewal. The same God who calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee walks with you now, offering the same peace and assurance.

The sea, with its constant movement and enduring presence, becomes a symbol of hope. Despite the challenges and changes, it remains a place of life and beauty, reminding you that renewal is always possible. The vision of a world restored, where harmony and peace prevail, fills your mind—a world where the seas are clear and teeming with life once more."

Step 5: Embracing Divine Love

"Feel the warmth of divine love surrounding you, like the sun’s gentle rays on your skin. Jesus’s love is a constant presence, offering you strength and hope in the face of uncertainty. He speaks to you with a promise: ‘I have overcome the world.’ Let this love fill your heart, renewing your spirit and giving you the courage to continue your journey.

Even in the face of the world’s struggles, love remains the force that binds all creation together. It is through this love—steadfast, enduring, and healing—that true restoration can come. As you stand at the edge of the sea, know that this love flows through you, empowering you to be a part of the healing that the earth so desperately needs."

Step 6: Concluding the Encounter

"As you prepare to leave this peaceful beach, carry with you the peace and hope that you have found here. With your spirit renewed by divine love, step forward into the world with confidence, knowing that you are supported by an everlasting presence. Embrace the call to care for creation, with the understanding that, in the end, love will triumph, and renewal will come.


"Open your eyes when you are ready, and take a moment to reflect on this encounter. Let the peace and hope you have experienced guide your actions and journey ahead. Amen."